During current situation when entire world facing slowdown and people are working from home or may be some of them are out of job and some are able to continue their small business with limited access to customers.
I think it is a right time for self learning and up skilling through various medium, which was impossible when you were on regular work/job/business.
It is an opportunity to exercise your mind, bring new thoughts, innovation and work towards it. Generally at home most of the time goes in watching TV, sleeping or some other activities.
Once the lockdown is over, life will be different, people would be more cautious about cleanliness and hygiene which is taught by covid to us has increased business opportunities for MSME's and retailers.
Company's expectations would be higher as they would look for multitaskers. Work from home culture has been accepted globally by all companies, have set-up the infrastructure, it's a good news, however, perceptions about employee's productivity, considering them working sincerely has to accepted by managers. It's a sign for employees and managers to upgrade themselves on different kinds of behavioural and technical skills.
For new parent or parent with small kids have to be prepared for home study, they need to learn how to keep them self motivated taking care of job/business and take care of their kids upbringings.
Any more thoughts from anyone?
